

Our Mission Statement

We seek to locate and aid in the return of WW II American MIA's and bring them back for burial here in the U.S.


MIA Hunters was founded by Christopher, Dona, Cicely and Bryan Moon and operated for most of its existance in Florida, USA, all founders shown in the photo to the left. Cicely and Bryan are still with us in spirit but both now deceased.

We did NOT charge for our service - it was completely FREE! Contact us if you wish our assistance in finding a lost MIA. To date we have located hundreds of American WWII MIA's and dozens more from other countries including Australia, Europe and Japan. We do NOT charge for our service - there is no cost to the families whose loved ones we find.



Some people find it hard to believe we really did this work without charging the families. If you need to validate we are legitimate contact the military division called JPAC / CILHI in Hawaii - this is the military branch charged with the recovery of American MIA's. We attended, at their invitation, their first symposium on MIA search and rescue in Strassburg, France and maintained regular communication with them regarding our findings.


Join Our Team (discontinued)

MIA Hunters is looking for a few dedicated people who would be interested in joining our team. You may join us on our field missions into the jungles of Papua, New Guinea or we may benefit from persons with fund raising expertise, research experts (in military records), people to help identify possible search candidates, and more.





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